SAS: Stacking Statistical Output using Macros

The previous post goes through basic SAS statistics procedures, like Proc Means, Proc Ttest, and Proc Freq.  In this post, the focus is to establish a good naming convention for the statistical outputs. For each loop of PROC TTEST or PROC FREQ, the statistics are saved in separate tables by pairing group and type of statistics.  When stacking the test results, it is important to identify the type of statistics, the variable that the statistics is based on and the pairing group.  In the following macro, &in. is the group identifier, &var. is the variable identified, and &stat is the statistics procedure identifier.

%macro stat (in =, var=, stat=);
data &in.&stat.&var.;
set &in.&stat.&var.;
length group $2 test $20 var $20;
group = substr("&in.", 1, 2);
test = "&stat.";
var = "&var.";
rename &var. = response;
proc append base=stat_&stat. data = &in.&stat._&var.;
%mend stat;

proc datasets library= work noprint;
delete stat_prop;
%stat ( in =g1, var= isretainYr1,stat=prop);
%stat ( in =g1, var= isretainYr2,stat=prop);
%stat ( in =g1, var= isretainYr3,stat=prop);
%stat ( in =g1, var= isretainYr4,stat=prop);
%stat ( in =g2, var= isretainYr1,stat=prop);
%stat ( in =g2, var= isretainYr2,stat=prop);
%stat ( in =g2, var= isretainYr3,stat=prop);
%stat ( in =g2, var= isretainYr4,stat=prop);