Survey basic frequency macro

This coding can be used to run

Case 1: Count frequency of distribution for one question and exclude a category from the counting results (eg. exclude records from the question with 88 as the answer in the frequency distribution).

%macro count  (field=);

proc freq data=indata (where = (&field ne 88));
tables var1*(&field) ;
%mend count;

%count (field=q1);

Case 2: Count frequency of distribution for one question conditional on the result of a different question. In the example, the where statement will delete records with q1 equals to 88 and then delete records with q10 not equal to 2 or 3 or 4.  For the rest of the records, proc freq will run the distribution of q1.

%macro count (field1=, field2=);

proc freq data=indata (where = (&field1 ne 88 and &field2 in (2,3,4)));
tables var1*(&field1) ;
%mend count;

%count (field1=q1, field2=q10);