SAS: Data Set Compilation through Remote Submit and Download

Sometime it is better to submit the block of codes to the server for execution when the data sets are large and multiple years of data needed to be  compiled.  The remote calculation can also free up the calculation capacity on your own PC, so you can work on something else while waiting for the server.

The following codes are used to:

  • loop through 5 reporting periods each year;
  • retrieve specific variables that meet the conditions;
  • compile data set for each year;
  • stack data sets for multiple years and generate final data set with all years records for download;
  • delete data set for each year in the workspace on the server

The caveats for remote submit are:

  • codes need to be thoroughly validated locally before submit to the server
  • use “nodetails” and “nolist” to omit output report

To remote submit the code, you first select the code block,  then right click and then select “Remote Submit…”.

%let varlist1 = var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 var7 ;
proc datasets library = work nodetails nolist;
delete opsis;
%macro opsis (strtyear, stopyear);
%do yr= &strtyear %to &stopyear;
%put &yr.;
%let nextyr = %eval(&yr.+1);
%let charyr = %substr(&yr.,3,2);
%let charnextyr = %substr(&nextyr.,3,2);
%put &charyr.;
DATA opsis_&charyr.;
SET opsis.uecJun&charyr. (keep=&varlist1.)
opsis.uecJul&charyr. (keep=&varlist1.)
opsis.uecNov&charyr. (keep=&varlist1.)
opsis.uecFeb&charnextyr. (keep=&varlist1.)
opsis.uecMar&charnextyr. (keep=&varlist1.);
where var1 ne 'XX' and var2 ne '' and var3= 'XXX';
proc append base=opsis data =opsis_&charyr.;
%mend opsis;
%opsis (2009, 2017);
proc download data = opsis out=opsis;run;
proc datasets library=work nodetails;
delete opsis_09 opsis_10-opsis_17;

SAS: Convert Variable between Numeric and Character Format

A. Use Put or Input
Convert between numeric and character variable.

  • character to numeric (input)
old_char = "2018";
new_num = input(old_char, 8.);
new_num = 2018;
  • character to numeric (input) to character (put)
old_char = "2018";
new_char = put (input (substr(old_char , 1, 4 ), 8.) -1 , 4.);
new_char = "2017";

/* or */
new_char = put (old_char*1-1 , 4.);
new_char = "2017";
  • numeric to character (put), and with leading Zero.
old_num = 2018;
new_char = put(old_num, 4.); *new_char = "2018";
new_char1 = put(old_num, z8.); *new_char1 = "00002018";
  • numeric to character (put) to numeric (input)
old_num = 2018;
new_num = input(substr(put(old_num, 4.),3, 2) , 8.);
new_num = 18;

Use the following functions to check whether any digit or alphabetic character is in the character variable. The results will be the position of the first digit/alphabetic character in the field.

check1 = anydigit(var); *return position of first digit, 0 if not found in the string;
check2 = anyalpha(var); *return position of first alphabetic character, 0 if not found in the string;
check3 = notalpha(var); *return position of first non digit, 0 if not found in the string;
check4 = notdigit(var); *return position of first non alphabetic character, 0 if not found in the string;
  • Please note there should be no space in between % and statement eg. macro, let, mend, put, eval etc.
  • To apply the macro variable, use &varname. format.


%macro setyr;
%let yr = 14;
%let nextyr =%eval(&yr. +1);  /* 15 */
%let next2yr=%eval(&yr. +2);  /* 16 */
%let fisyr = “20%substr(&yr., 1,2)/%substr(&nextyr., 1,2)”;   /* “2014/2015” */
%let fisnextyr = “20%substr(&nextyr., 1,2)/%substr(&next2yr., 1, 2)”;   /* “2015/2016” */
%let year = “20&yr.”; /* “2014” */
%put &yr;
%put &nextyr;
%put &next2yr;
%put &fisyr;
%put &fisnextyr;
%put &year;
%mend setyr;


B. Use Vvalue fuction
Vvalue() returns the formatted value that is associate with the variable.

data want;
data have;
new_charvar1 = vvalue(formatted_numvar1);  *formatted means the variable has been applied with format;
new_numvar2= vvalue(formated_charvar2);

SAS: Variables/Fields with same Prefix

I have a SAS file that stores students course selection (up to 20 fields) and grades for each course (up to 20 fields) for a certain semester. To set the sas working file, I use the follow data step. Both course variables and grades variables have the common prefix “crs” and “grade”.  It is more efficient to list the 20 course variables using “crs1-crs20” than list each and every one of them.

%let varlist = crs1-crs20 grade1-grade20 studentid major;

Data tem1;

Set  coursefile_fw16 (keep = &varlist.);
