SAS: Read files in folder and compile list of filenames

In a prvious post, “Filename: Create SAS dataset of folder hierarchical structure and file list“, I have described a way to extract filenames in a folder or subfolder to a file. Here is a different way of doing it.

Reference: Reading and Processing the Contents of a Directory by Ben Cochran, The Bedford Group, Raleigh, NC.

The following SAS codes get the filenames from L:\DaraFiles directory and pass them to a macro variable called varlist.

%let varlist =;
data null;
rc =filename("mydir", "L:\DataFiles");
did = dopen("mydir");
if did > 0 then do;
num =dnum(did);
do i = 1 to num;
fname =dread (did, i );
put fname = ;
call symput('varlist', trim(resolve('&varlist'))||' '||trim(fname));
%put &varlist.;

Key Functions:

  • filename: assign the directory to a alias.
  • dopen: open the directory and get the directory identifier;
  • dnum: get the number of member in the directory;
  • dread: get the filenname of the directory member;

SAS: Use Filename to Create data set of hierarchical folder structure and file list

FILENAME contents pipe 'TREE "x:\project" /F /A' LRECL = 2000;
DATA project;
infile contents TRUNCOVER;
INPUT content_entry $char2000.;
content_entry = left(compress(content_entry, "|"));

TREE: disply each directory within the listed directory. /F: display the names of the files within each directory.

proc sql noprint;
select count (*) into : file_exist
from project
where content_entry = "table1.sas7bdat";
%put file_exist = &file_exist.;