A. Sample Dowload: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/sample-human-resources
B. Report Layout (pages)
- Info
- Text Box
- Image
- New Hires
- 4 Text Boxes (page Header, chart footer, additional instructions)
- New Hires and Actives by Region and Ethnicity (line and Stacked column chart, Employee[actives] is a calculated field)
- Actives and Separations
- Bad Hires
- New Hires Scorecard
C. Tables
D. Measures
- Employee[Actives]= CALCULATE([EmpCount], FILTER(Employee, ISBLANK(Employee[TermDate])))
- Employee[actives SPLY]= CALCULATE([Actives],SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(‘Date'[Date]))
- Employee[Active YoY % change = Divide([Actives YoY Var], [Actives SPLY])
- Employee[Actives YoY var]= [Actives]-[Actives SPLY]