In the previous blog, I presented how to compile statistic results by groups and by variable into a long table for each type of statistics analysis. All tables share three common field: group, test and var.
Here is the list of the table with the specific statistic that want to extract and compile into a summary table.
- stat_tstat:
- class = ‘1’: n, mean
- class = ‘0’: n, mean
- class = ‘Diff (1-2)’: mean,
- stat_ttest:
- variances = ‘Unequal’: tValue, Probt
PPOC SQL is the most convenient procedure to pick up these values under specific condition and combine them into one table.
proc sql; create table stat1 as select a.n as studyn, a.mean as studymean, b.n as controln, b.mean as controlmean, c.mean as diff,, a.var, d.tValue, d.probt from stat_tstat a left join stat_tstat b on and a.var=b.var and b.class = '1' left join stat_tstat c on and a.var=c.var and c.class = 'Diff (1-2)' left join stat_ttest d on = and a.var=d.var and d.variances = 'Unequal' where a.class = '0'; quit;