SAS Array: check non zero variables and calculate accumulative counts

Course1 contains the counts information for students who have taken crs1000 to crs 2000.   If the student haven’t taken the specific course, the value for the course of the student is 0. If the student have taken the specific course for multiple times, the value for the course is the total number of times the student took the course.

In following code, the array was set up to group the course of interest; count variable is used to capture number of distinct course taken from the selected courses; ifretake variable is used to track if student retakes  any of the course from the selected courses.

data course2;
set course1;
array crs{*} crs1000 crs1010 crs1015 crs1200 crs1450 crs2000;
ifretake =0;
do i =1 to dim(crs);
if crs{i}>0 then count = count+1;
if crs{i}>1 then ifretake = 1;