Collection of posts and resource that relates to SAS.
Online Resources:
Technical Journal:
2024/11/13: SAS Enterprise Guide Error
2024/04/15: Pass value of Marco Variable to Remote Session
2023/09/04: ODS html error: path not a directory
2023/04/27: SAS: Proc Tabulate Nested Row Variable and Missing Option
2023/04/10: SAS: Delete and Copy Specific format from Catalog
2023/04/03: SAS: Create SAS Table from List of Strings
2019/10/29: SAS: Normality Test
2019/10/24: SAS: Proc Reg – Collinearity Diagnostics
2019/10/23: SAS: Proc Corr – Different Correlations between variables
2019/10/04: SAS: Proc SQL Format
2019/10/02: SAS: Meta-Analysis CMH Example for Categorical Variable
2019/05/14: SAS: Proc SQL Group By generate duplicate results and fix
2019/04/08: Proc SQL: Update with other table
2019/03/29: SAS: Identify Lag and Lead Status by Row
2019/03/18: SAS: Rename Variables with Same Prefix
2019/03/14: SAS: Identify Row Level Changes and Tagging
2018/12/14: SAS: Reading Census Data
2018/12/05: SAS: Convert format catalogs from 32bit to 64bit
2018/11/16: SAS: 9.4 ODS RTF file corrupt
2018/10/19: SAS Installation: “Connect: Class not registered”
2018/10/15: SAS: Find String Characters within String Variable
2018/08/24: SAS STAT: getting output statistics (2)
2018/08/01: Principal Component Analysis and Factor Analysis
2018/07/24: SAS: Standardize Variables
2018/06/22: SAS: Missing Value Imputation Procedures
2018/04/19: SAS: Batch Macro Variable Assignment by Class and Application in Dynamic Labeling
2018/04/19: SAS: Plot Regression Line with 2 Standard Deviation
2018/03/28: SAS: Configuration
2018/03/20: SAS: Output Table to Excel Using Tagsets.excelxp
2018/03/20: SAS Proc Tabulate: Order Class Variable
2018/03/13: SAS: Data Set Comilation through Remote Submit and Download
2018/03/12: SAS: Proc Freq for all Character Variables
2018/03/07: SAS: Sample Data Sets
2018/02/26: SAS Array: check non zero variables and calculate accumulative counts
2018/02/21: SAS: Read files in folder and compile list of filenames
2018/02/12: SAS: Concatenate Values in Multiple Rows by Group
2018/02/02: SAS: Proc Tabulate and Percentage Statistics
2018/02/02: SAS: Create Meta Data from ODBC or ORACLE Data Engine
2018/02/02: SAS Proc Sgplot: Assign colors by group in Statistics Plot
2017/12/08: SAS SQL Join: Compile Statistics Summary from Multiple Statistics Tables
2017/12/08: SAS: Stacking Statistics Output using Macros
2017/12/06: SAS STAT: getting output statistics (1)
2017/12/06: SAS STAT: Weight Statement
2017/12/05: SAS: Sampling using PROC SURVEYSELECT
2017/11/30: SAS: Update values with the last record and keep other attributes of the first record by group
2017/11/23: SAS: Cumulative Count by Study and control Group
2017/11/23: SAS: Proc SQL Where … In to subset
2017/11/23: SAS: Proc SQL Conditional Sum
2016/10/12: SAS: Pros and Cons of Methods to Output SAS Results to Excel
2015/02/05: SAS output to date stamped Excel file
2015/02/09: SAS Proc Summary