SAS: Proc SQL Group By generate duplicate results and fix

I need to get a list of sum of award amount by year by student id and by award. The following codes generated duplicated results and a warning message.


proc sql;
create table want as
select year, id, award, funding_type, type, sum(amount) as sum, 1 as count
from have
where (funding_type eq "A" and type = "Internal") or (funding_type eq "B")
group by year, funding_type, sisid, award;quit

“The query requires remerging summary statistics back with the original data. “

Fix: “In SAS SQL, in a query with a group by clause that includes extraneous columns on the select statement (i.e. columns not part of the group by and not derived from an aggregating function), SAS “remerges” the summary statistics back to the original data (with a note to that effect).”

Because “type” variable is in the select statement but not in the group by statement, SAS needs to remerging the summary statistics back with the original data to get information on the “type” variable. In the following codes, I added “type” to the group by statement and the warning message was gone.

proc sql;
create table want as
select year, id, award, funding_type, type, sum(amount) as sum, 1 as count
from funding
where (funding_type eq "A" and type = "Internal") or (funding_type eq "B")
group by year, funding_type, type, id, award;