PowerBI Report Share through Workspace and PowerBI Apps

B. Sepup Dashboard/reporting Sharing through PowerBI App

  • In the PowerBI web service (Pro licence), create new Workspace.
Click “Create a workspace” to create a workspace named “CPR”.
  • In the PowerBI desktop, publish the dashboard/report to the workspace created.
Select workspace “CPR” to publish.
  • In the PowerBI web service, navigate to the workspace created and the newly published report will be under the report section. Click “Publish app” (yellow button).
  • Configure app settings under ‘Setup’, ‘Navigation’, and ‘Permissions’ section. Make sure the emails of the end users whom you want to give access to the reports are entered in the ‘Permissions’ section.
Setup configuration
Navigation configuration
Permissions configuration
  • Configure workspace settings and dashboard/reports settings, and then “Update app” (yellow button).
Select the reports to be included in the app and then update app.