SAS: Plot Regression Line with 2 Standard Deviation

Get GLM output in data set

proc glm data=data noprint;
class rank_cd area;
model salary= Experience rank area / predicted cli; * regress SALARY against the 3 predictor variables ;
output out = glm_out Predicted = yhat R=resid lcl=lcl lclm=lclm ucl=ucl uclm=uclm rstudent=rstd student=stu dffits = infl stdr =error;

Calcuate sample standard deviation using GLM output data set

proc univariate data=glm_out;
var resid;
output out = univar_out STD = sample_std_devn;

Assign sample standard deviation to macro variable

data std;
set univar_out;
call symput('sstd',sample_std_devn);
%put &sstd.;

Update GLM output data set with 2 std information

data glm_out;
set glm_out;
ustd_2 = yhat + 2*&sstd.;
lstd_2 = yhat - 2*&sstd.;

Plot regression line with 2 standard deviation lines (upper/lower)

proc sgplot data=glm_out (where = (rank = 1 and area =1);
scatter x=experience y=salary / group=gender grouporder=ascending name='plot' markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled) ;
series x=experience y=yhat / name='predict' legendlabel='ln(Predicted Sal)' lineattrs=(color=blue ) transparency = 0.5 ;
series x=experience y=ustd_2 / name='upper' legendlabel='2 Standard Deviation' lineattrs=(color = lightblue) transparency = 0.5;
series x=experience y=lstd_2 / name='lower' legendlabel='2 Standard Deviation' lineattrs=(color = lightblue) transparency = 0.5;