proc setinit; run;
Proc setinit provides the components list with the expiration dates.
—Base SAS Software
—MDDB Server common products
—SAS Integration Technologies
—SAS/Secure Windows
—SAS Enterprise Guide
—SAS Bridge for ESRI
—SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2
—SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle
—SAS/ACCESS Interface to Sybase
—SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files
—SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC
—SAS/ACCESS Interface to OLE DB
—SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata
—SAS/ACCESS Interface to MySQL
—SAS/IML Studio
—SAS Workspace Server for Local Access
—SAS/ACCESS Interface to Netezza
—SAS/ACCESS Interface to Aster nCluster
—SAS/ACCESS Interface to Greenplum
—SAS/ACCESS Interface to Sybase IQ
—DataFlux Trans DB Driver
—SAS Framework Data Server
—Reserved for Dataflux
proc product_status; run;
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