Raspberry Pi (2): Terminal Commands and Navigation

Reference: https://pythonprogramming.net/terminal-navigation-raspberry-pi-tutorials/?completed=/remote-access-raspberry-pi-tutorials/

Code – Use

  1. pwd – print working directory  defacult is /home/pi, also is ~
  2. cd – change directory: cd /home ; cd ~ ; cd / tab (help to fill possible command) ; cd .. (go back one level of directory); cd ../../ (go back two levels of directories)
  3. ls – list contents of directory
  4. mkdir – make directory: mkdir exemple (make example folder)

Test Python

  1. nano test.py
  2. print (‘hi’)
  3. ctrl+x; Y
  4. python test.py

Download from Internet

  1. wget https://www.pythonprogramming.net/static/images/categories/3D-Matplotlib.png
  2. sudo apt-get install git
  3. sudo apt-get autoremove
  4. git clone https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python

Remove file/directory

  1. rm 3D-Matplotlib.png (case sensitive)
  2. rmdir new
  3. rmdir awesome-python
  4. rm -r awesome-python (force removing)


  1. ls -a ; ls -all (show all contents, including hidden contents)
  2. ls -l (contents in list format)
  3. ls -al (combine the above attributes)
  4. flag: – for short hand and — for full word
  5. ls –help

reboot and shut down raspberry pi

  1. sudo reboot
  2. sudo shutdown -h now
  3. sudo shutdown -r now

ODS Listing

ODS Tips

Output to text file

[code lang=text]
ODS LISTING file='C:\Users\david\Documents\My SAS Files(32)\9.3\ods\sample.lst';
VAR make model type origin drivetrain msrp invoice enginesize cylinders horsepower mpg_city mpg_highway;
TABLES make type origin drivetrain enginesize cylinders ;
proc means data=sashelp.cars mean median min max skew;
class type origin;
var msrp enginesize horsepower mpg_city mpg_highway weight wheelbase length;

  • .lst file can be opened in SAS by dragging the file to the program edit window.

  • click file in the file explorer window will launch sas enterprise guide

  • ods listing can be used for record keeping and to check the validity of the sas programming.

Access VBA Report Printing to pdf Problem and “Formatting Page” Problem


The task is to generate pdf documents in the file folder from Access database using the parameters generated by a sql distinct select statement. The parameters will be passed to the Access report preview as the filter value and used to form the file name of the pdf.

Problem 1

Keep getting “Formatting Page” on the status bar and the execution of the VBA seems stuck in that status.

Solution 1

  • Check properties of all the headers to make sure “Keep Together” (under Format tab) is equal to “No”


  • Access is trying to calculate how to best fit the contents together whick takes time.

Solution 2

  • Remove the “Pages” function in the footer


  • “Pages” function will force Access to determine the last page and the report can’t be previewed until formatting are applied to all the pages of the report and the last page is calculated.

Problem 2

Access was not able to create pdf document and stopped at certain parameter intake.

Solution 1

  • Replace the “/” character in the value of the variable

  • var = Replace(rs(“Column_Name”), “/”, “_”)


  • The parameters that were passed to pdf filename include characters like “/” and “:”, which are reserved by MS for other purpose and can’t not be used as part of the MS filename.

###Solution 2###

  • check the length of string that was used a parameter for the filename and shorten the string in case it is too long

  • If len(rs(“Column_Name”)) > 35 then var = left(rs(“Column_Name), 35)


  • Microsoft has a limit of 255 characters on filename.



Reading Data from fixed position txt file

Read data from fixed position txt file to SAS.

This type of file normally don’t have the variable name as the first observation because the length of the variable name might not be consistent with the length of the variable. The starting position for each variable is the same for all the records in the txt file.

Below in the admit table in fixed position txt file.

2458 Murray, W      M 27 1  72 168 HIGH 85.20
2462 Almers, C      F 34 .  66 152 HIGH 124.80
2501 Bonaventure, T F 31 .  61 123 LOW  149.75
2523 Johnson, R     M 43 31 63 137 MOD  149.75
2539 LaMance, K     M 51 4  71 158 LOW  124.80
2544 Jones, M       M 29 6  76 193 HIGH 124.80
  • Require . for missing value
  • use $ in input statement to identify character variable
  • use X-X to identify the starting position and ending position for the character variables.  This also determines the length of the character variable.
  • use @x to identify the starting position for the numeric variable.
  • use x. to identify the length of the numeric variable. eg: @23 age 2. indicates to read from position 23 the age variable with a length of 2.

Method1:  not identify the position for the numeric variable.

data admit;
infile 'C:\Users\irisan\Documents\My SAS Files(32)\9.3\Tutorial\admit_fixed.txt' ;
input ID $ 1-4 name $ 6-19 sex $ 21 age date height weight actlevel $ 36-39 fee;

Method2: identify the position for each variable.

data admit;
infile 'C:\Users\irisan\Documents\My SAS Files(32)\9.3\Tutorial\admit_fixed.txt' ;
ID $ 1-4
name $ 6-19
sex $ 21
@23 age 2.  /* length for age is 2 */
@26 date 
@29 height
@32 weight
actlevel $ 36-39
@41 fee ;

Read only  certain observations that meet the criteria for selected variables from the txt file, using 2 input statements and if statement.  Second input statement only contains the required variables, so not all the variables are read into the target SAS dataset.

data admit;
infile 'C:\Users\irisan\Documents\My SAS Files(32)\9.3\Tutorial\admit_fixed.txt' ;
input actlevel $ 36-39 @23 age  @;
if  age < 35 and actlevel EQ 'HIGH' then delete;
name $ 6-19
sex $ 21
@29 height
@32 weight
@41 fee ;


SAS: Organizing data through Proc Format

Proc Format can be used to group categorical variables or numeric values for reporting.  The following examples show the coversion of sex, age, and id variables into desired format. Method 1 uses put and input statements and creates new variables, while method 2 use format statement to just format the existing variables.

  • Need $ in the format name for the existing character variable. eg. $gender
  • Need to put . after the format name when applying the format. eg. gender = put(sex, $gender.); format age agerange. sex $gender.;

/**** Proc Format ****/
proc format;
‘M’ = ‘Male’
‘F’ = ‘Female’
1 – 30 = ‘le 30’
30<-40 = '31 to 40'
40<-50 = '41 to 50'
50<-60 = '51 to 60'
60<-100 = 'gt 60'
other = 'Missing'
options fmtsearch = (work.formats);


data admit;
set sasuser.admit;
agecatgory = put(age, agerange.);
gender = put (sex, $gender.);
numericid = input(id, 4.);


data admit;
set sasuser.admit;
format age agerange. sex $gender.;

Character to Numeric, using INVALUE.
Example: convert character gpa to numeric gpa.

/*** calculate the ESL grade points that needs to be backed out from the GPA ***/
/** format grade to index **/
proc format ; 
invalue   /* UES INVALUE, NOT VALUE */
'A+' = 9
'A'= 8
'B+'= 7
'B'= 6
'C+' = 5
'C' = 4
'D+' = 3
'D' = 2
'E' = 1 
'F' = 0
'P' = 0
proc options  option=fmtsearch;run;
data backgpa;
set pes;
array crs{3} esl1000 esl1010 esl1015  ;
array ncr{3} esl1000ncr esl1010ncr esl1015ncr  ;
array cr{3} esl1000cr esl1010cr esl1015cr  ;
array back{3} esl1000bo esl1010bo esl1015bo;
do i =1 to dim(crs);
if crs{i} ne '' and ncr{i} ne 'NCR' then  back{i} =  input(crs{i}, $Grade.) * input(cr{i}, 8.);
drop course1-course20 gr1-gr20 credit1-credit20 ncr1-ncr20 i;

SAS: Reading Data from tab delimited txt file

Read tab delimited txt file to sas.

data admit;
length name $14.;
infile ‘C:\Users\Documents\My SAS Files(32)\9.3\Tutorial\admit.txt’ dlm=’09’x firstobs =2  ;
input ID $4. name $ sex $1. age date height weight actlevel $4. fee;

  • missing value in the txt file should be either . or blank space.
  • use dlm=’09’x to read the tab delimited file
  • SAS default character variable length is 8. In order to read the name variable, need to add length statement before the infile statement, otherwise the name field will be truncated at 8.
  • add firstobs =2 if the first line in the txt file is the variable names.
  • use lrecl= 32760 if the observation is very long (longer than the default 256).

Read only certain observations that meet the criteria from the tab delimited file to sas.


data admit;
length name $14.;
infile 'C:\Users\Documents\My SAS Files(32)\9.3\Tutorial\admit.txt' dlm='09'x firstobs =2;
input ID $4. name $ sex $1. @;
if sex = 'F' then delete;
input age date height weight actlevel $4. fee;


data admit;
length name $14.;
infile 'C:\Users\irisan\Documents\My SAS Files(32)\9.3\Tutorial\admit.txt' dlm='09'x firstobs =2;
input ID $4. name $ sex $1. @ ;
if sex = 'M' then do;
input  age date height weight actlevel $4. fee;end;
else delete;
  • use 2 input statements to select ‘M’ admits.
  • in the first input statement, use one trailing @ to tell SAS to hold the record for if statement. In method 1, the ‘F’ records will not be passed on to the second input statement.
  • for tab delimited data, it is not possible to only input selected variables from the source file.  All the variables need to be input in the variable sequence of source file from left to right.

SAS: Proc Report Design feature with Percentage and Sub-total

There are two procedures commonly used for reporting purpose in SAS, PROC Report and PROC Tabulate.  In this post, I will focus more of PROC Report because it is more convenient to produce column percentage by group and the sub-total.  The references of column in the computation of percentages are different between a cross-tab report and the regular one dimensional report.

1. Cross-tab report design

Source table layout (Varn will be any other categorical variable that not contribute to the calculation of the percentage)

Variables Type
Year Ordinal
Var1 Categorical/Nominal
Var2 Ordinal
Var3 Continous

Desired Report Output

Year1 Year2 Year3
Var1 Varn Var2 sum of Var3 % of sum by Var1 sum of Var3 % of sum by Var1 sum of Var3 % of sum by Var1
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxx xx% xxx xx% xxx xx%
    xxxxx xxx xx% xxx xx% xxx xx%
    xxxxx xxx xx% xxx xx% xxx xx%
sub-total     xxx 100% xxx 100% xxx 100%
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxx xx% xxx xx% xxx xx%
    xxxxx xxx xx% xxx xx% xxx xx%
    xxxxx xxx xx% xxx xx% xxx xx%
sub-total     xxx 100% xxx 100% xxx 100%
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxx xx% xxx xx% xxx xx%
    xxxxx xxx xx% xxx xx% xxx xx%
    xxxxx xxx xx% xxx xx% xxx xx%
sub-total     xxx 100% xxx 100% xxx 100%


Proc report data = sample nowd ;
column var1 varn var2 year,(var3 ptvar3);
define var1 / group;
define varn / group;
define var2 /group;
define  year / across 'Year';
define var3 / sum f=7.2 'SUM';
define ptvar3 /computed f=percent8.2 '%';
/* Sum total var3 by year */
Break after var1  / summarize;
compute before var1;
den0 = _c4_;
den1 = _c6_;
den2 = _c8_;
/* Calculate percentage */
compute ptvar3;
_c5_ = _c4_ / den0;
_c7_ = _c6_ / den1;
_c9_ = _c8_ / den2;

2. One dimensional report

Source table layout

Variables Type
Var1 Categorical/Nominal
Var2 Ordinal
Var3 Continous

Desired Report Output

Var1 Varn Var2 sum of Var3 % of sum by Var1
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxx xx%
    xxxxx xxx xx%
    xxxxx xxx xx%
sub-total     xxx 100%
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxx xx%
    xxxxx xxx xx%
    xxxxx xxx xx%
sub-total     xxx 100%
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxx xx%
    xxxxx xxx xx%
    xxxxx xxx xx%
sub-total     xxx 100%


Proc report data = sample  nowd ;
column var1 varn var2 var3 ptvar3;
define var1 / group;
define varn / group;
define var2 /group;
define var3 / sum f=7.2 'Var3';
define ptvar3 /computed f=percent8.2 '%';
Break after var1  / summarize;
compute before var1;
var3den = var3.sum;
/* Calculate percentage */
compute ptvar3;
ptvar3 = var3.sum / var3den;


  • for cross-tab report, in column statement use “year,”. There is a ‘,’ after the variable.
  • if there is more than one variable in the value section of the cross-tab report, use ‘( )’ to include all the value variables needed in the column statement. eg. ‘year,  (var3 ptvar3)’
  • use break statement to provide sub-totals for the report;
  • for computing the percentage by group, denX variables are used to provide sum value of the group and _cX_ variables are used to hold all results for the column value. The column number X in _cX_ needs to be matched with the exact column number in the output. 
  • for computing percentage for one dimensional report, refer to the variable name directly (eg. ptvar3 = var3.sum/ var3den) in the formula. Refer to the column number will not work in this case.




SAS: Join or Merge Tables

Note: Be careful to use merge if the the byvar are not unique in both tables, especially when the vars are numeric and can be aggregated .

Compare of SQL method and merge method

Inner Join

FROM table1 as a
INNER JOIN table2 as b
ON a.var=b.var;

merge table1 (in=a) table2 (in=b);
by var;
if a and b;

Left Join

FROM table1 as a
ON a.var=b.var; 

merge table1 (in=a) table2;
by var;
if a;

Left Join exclude Inner Join

FROM table1 as a
LEFT JOIN table as b
ON a.var=b.var;

merge table1 (in = a) table2 (in=b);
by var;
if a and not b;

Right Join

FROM table1 as a
RIGHT JOIN table2 as b
ON a.var=b.var;

merge table1 (in=a) table2 (in=b);
by var;
if b;

Right Join exclude Inner Join

FROM table1 as a
RIGHT JOIN table as b
ON a.var=b.var


merge table1 (in = a) table2 (in=b);
by var;
if b and not a;

Full Join

FROM table1 as a
FULL OUTER JOIN table2 as b
ON a.var=b.var;

merge table1 (in=a) table2 (in=b);
by var;
if a or b;


merge table1 (in = a) table2 (in=b);
by var;

Full Join Inner Join

FROM table1 as a
FULL OUTER JOIN table2 as b
ON a.var=b.var;

merge table1 (in=a) table2 (in=b);

by var;
if a ne b; /* only work on 2 table merge*/

Macro: Check variable length, name, type of multiple tables with similar layout

/* set up list for the tables requied to scan for  the variables */

%let tlst = a b c d e f g;

/* Method 1: use parameter */

/* Generate vairable list for each table */

%macro varlen (sec=);
%let i = 1;
%do %while (%scan(&sec., &i, ‘ ‘) ne );
%let tbl= %scan(&sec., &i, ‘ ‘);
proc contents data = section&tbl._ug out=ug&tbl. (keep= MEMNAME name type length) noprint;
proc contents data = section&tbl._gr out=gr&tbl. (keep= MEMNAME name type length) noprint;
%let i = %eval (&i +1);
%mend varlen;
%varlen (sec = &tlst.);

/* Method 2: use macro variable list directly */

/* Append varaible lists to one table */
%macro comp ;
%let i = 1;
%do %while (%scan(&tlst., &i, ‘ ‘) ne );
%let tbl= %scan(&tlst., &i, ‘ ‘);
proc append base = uglen  data = ug&tbl.;
%let i = %eval (&i +1);
%let i = 1;
%do %while (%scan(&tlst., &i, ‘ ‘) ne );
%let tbl= %scan(&tlst., &i, ‘ ‘);
proc append base = grlen  data = gr&tbl.;
%let i = %eval (&i +1);
proc sort data = uglen;
by name memname;
proc sort data = grlen;
by name memname;
%mend comp;
%comp ;

SAS: Input Raw data with different length of character variable

data map;
infile datalines delimiter=',';
length faculty $2 progname $90. facdesc $25.;
input  faculty $ progname $ facdesc $;
AB, AB-Digital Media, , Faculty AB
AB, AB-Interdisc. Fine Arts, Faculty AB
CD,SC-Biology,Science, Faculty CD


  • Can’t use Input statement to set length for the variable.  Input statement only identify the character variables by putting $ after the variable name.
  • Use ‘,’ to separate the value of the variable in the datalines; no need to put ‘;’ to end each dataline, just end the whole datalines section with one ‘;’.
  • Put Length statement before the Input statement to set the desired variable length for the data needed input.


  • No need to use “” for character values that contain spaces.
  • No need to align the variables in datalines.