Issue: Installed SAS 9.4 on the machine where SAS 9.3 has already been installed. Not able to import Excel file in SAS 9.4.
Error message:
ERROR: Connect: Class not registered
ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement
– office 365 (32 bit)
– office 2010 (64 bit)
– Windows 7 (64 bit)
– SAS 9.3
– SAS 9.4 (64 bit)
– odbc 64bit: C:\Windows\System32\odbcad32.exe
– odbc 32bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
Possible Reason: SAS PC Files Server not installed or not working properly. Need Excel ODBC driver in the same bitness as in SAS.
Attempt 1: Stop SAS PC Files Server in Service (administrative tools); uninstal SAS PC Files Server; download SAS PC Files Server from ( from; unzip, install from setup.exe; get Java private environment error when installing PC Files Server.
Results 1: not working
Possible Reason: SAS 9.4 is not connected to the right ODBC. ODBC 32bit has Excel in the driver list but ODBC 64bit doesn’t have Excel in the driver list.
Attempt 2: run as administrator on both ODBC files; add excel driver as the system data source in the “System DSN” tab; change target from “\system32\odbcad32.exe” to \syswow64\odbcad32.exe” in the property of “Data Sources (ODBC) in Administrative Tools
Results 2: not working
Possible Reason: office 365 doesn’t have the match Access Engine for program external to Microsoft Office to access the Office 365 application data
Attempt 3:
— download Access Database engine 2016 distribution (32bit)
— install to cmd, cd to where the installation file is saved, run AccessDatabaseEngine.exe /quiet /passive
— open registry editor on window 7: windows key + r -> run regedit -> yes
— navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\FilesPaths, delete mso.dll
Results 3: not sure why but WORKED, but doesn’t work on the Office 365 32bit installation.
Attempt 4:
— uninstall Microsoft Office 365 (32bits)
— install Microsoft Office 365 (64bits)
— uninstall Access Database engine 2016 distribution (32bits)
— install Access Database engine 2016 distribution (64bits)
— install to cmd, cd to where the installation file is saved, run AccessDatabaseEngine.exe /quiet /passive
— open registry editor on window 7: windows key + r -> run regedit -> yes
— navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\FilesPaths, delete mso.dll
Results 4: worked. matched SAS 64bits with Office 365 64bits