SAS Proc Sgplot: Assign colors by group in Statistics Plot



Original code use gplot

%macro plots;
%do i = 0 %to 1;
%if &i=0 %then %do;
title height=12pt "Regular Salary Group";
%else %do;
title height=12pt "High Salary Group";
%do j = 2 %to 4;
%if &j=2 %then %do;
title2 height=14pt "&curr_fiscal_year  Assistant Professors";
%else %if &j=3 %then %do;
title2 height=14pt "&curr_fiscal_year  Associate Professors";
%else %do;
title2 height=14pt "&curr_fiscal_year Full Professors";
proc gplot data=anno_&i(where=(rank_cd=&j)) anno=anno_&i(where=(rank_cd=&j));
plot y*x / haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2 noframe;
symbol1 v=dot h=.6 w=.6 color='Black';
format basesal comma7.;
%mend plots;

New code with the following improvements:

  1. produce regression line with color and transparency attributes
  2. produce 95% confidence limit with color and transparency attributes
  3. produce scatter plot by gender group and use grouporder attribute to make sure fixed color is assigned to Male and Female.
  4. output the plots to pdf


ods pdf file="X:regression_with_gender_label.pdf";
goptions reset = global;
%macro plots;
%do i = 0 %to 1;
%if &i=0 %then %do;
title height=12pt "Regular Salary Group";
%else %do;
title height=12pt "High Salary Group";
%do j = 2 %to 4;
%if &j=2 %then %do;
title2 height=14pt "&curr_fiscal_year Assistant Professors";
%else %if &j=3 %then %do;
title2 height=14pt "&curr_fiscal_year Associate Professors";
%else %do;
title2 height=14pt "&curr_fiscal_yearFull Professors ";
proc sgplot data=log_glm (where=(rank_cd=&j. and area = "&i.")) ;
scatter x=exper y=log_sal / group=gender grouporder=ascending name='plot' markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled);
series x=exper y=yhat / name='predict' legendlabel='ln(Predicted Log Sal)' lineattrs=(color=blue ) transparency = 0.5 ;
series x=exper y=ucl / name='upper' legendlabel='Upper Confidence Level' lineattrs=(color = lightblue) transparency = 0.5;
series x=exper y=lcl / name='lower' legendlabel='Lower Confidence Level' lineattrs=(color = lightblue) transparency = 0.5;
%mend plots;
Ods pdf close;

Problem: myattrmap not reconginzed by the scatter statement though ‘attrid= myid’ doesn’t generate error.

data myattrmap;
retain id value linecolor fillcolor;
length linecolor $ 9 fillcolor $ 9;
input ID $ value $ linecolor $ fillcolor $;
myid F blue blue
myid M red red;