In the data set, the student courses have 20 fields and the student grades have 20 fields and the courses and grades are one to one match. The following codes can be used to get the course name from course field and grade from the grade field.
array crs {20} crs1-crs20;
array course {20} course1-course20 ;
array grade {20} grade1-grade20;
array gr {20} gr1-gr20 ;
do i = 1 to 20;
if crs{i} ne ” then course{i} = substr(crs{i},9,10);
if grade{i} ne ” then gr{i} =scan(grade{i},5,’\’);
drop crs1-crs20 grade1-grade20;
Second example produces the retention results for each student based on whether students come back next year. cumm_crYr variables the accumulative credits at the end of year X of the program; ProgramYr variables are the name of the program the students registed at the end of year X. If the student didn’t register for the year, there will be no value in cummcrYr or programYr. Therefore, if the student has accumulative credits calculated for the next year then the student is retained one year later and the isRetainYr1 will equal to 1. The array evaluates whether the value for cumm_Yr2/programYr2 is null, if not, then is RetainYr2 is 1, etc.
data two;
set one;
length isRetainYr1-isRetainYr4 8;
array cumm_crYr{5} cumm_crYr1-cumm_crYr5;
array isRetainYr{4} isRetainYr1-isRetainYr4;
array programYr{5} programYr1-programYr5;
do i = 1 to 4;
if pgmentyr*1 +i -1 <= 2016 then do;
if cumm_crYr{j} ne . or programYr{j} ne ” then isRetainYr{i} = 1;
else isRetainYr{i} = 0; end;