PowerBI: Analysis of MS Human Resources sample PBIX

A. Sample Dowload: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/sample-human-resources

B. Report Layout (pages)

  • Info
    • Text Box
    • Image
  • New Hires
    • 4 Text Boxes (page Header, chart footer, additional instructions)
    • New Hires and Actives by Region and Ethnicity (line and Stacked column chart, Employee[actives] is a calculated field)
  • Actives and Separations
  • Bad Hires
  • New Hires Scorecard

C. Tables

D. Measures

  • Employee[Actives]= CALCULATE([EmpCount], FILTER(Employee, ISBLANK(Employee[TermDate])))
  • Employee[actives SPLY]= CALCULATE([Actives],SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(‘Date'[Date]))
  • Employee[Active YoY % change = Divide([Actives YoY Var], [Actives SPLY])
  • Employee[Actives YoY var]= [Actives]-[Actives SPLY]

SAS: Tagset.Excelxp Double loop with multiple sheets output depend on dynamic parameter table

A. Purpose

The use of this SAS program is to produce excel files for each product, and within each excel product file, generate multiple sheets with different conditions, sheets names, titles.

B. Code

  • Set up parameter table
options symbolgen;
data parmlst;
infile datalines delimiter = '!';
length  parm1 $60. parm2 $30. parm3 $40.;
input parm1 $ parm2 $  parm3 $ ;
call symput('parm1_'||left(_n_), parm1);
call symput('parm2_'||left(_n_), parm2);
call symput('parm3_'||left(_n_), parm3);
engineSize le 3.5  ! EngineSize le 3.5! (Engine Size = $40,000)
  • Set up tagsets excel output macro
/* [S=] is [S=<parent>] */
%macro exlout (varname=, con=);
%let  i=1;
%do %while (%scan(&con., &i, ' ') ne );
%let dsn=%scan(&con., &i, ' ');
data &dsn.;
set sashelp.cars;
if &varname. = "&dsn."; 
count = 1;
ods tagsets.Excelxp path= "X:\SAS\" file="Car_Profile_&varname._&dsn..xls" style=journal
options (embedded_titles='yes' embedded_footnotes='yes'  absolute_column_width='10,10,10,10' auto_height="no" );
%do j=1 %to 2;
%put &j;
ods tagsets.excelxp options (sheet_name="&&parm2_&j." sheet_interval='none');
title1 justify = left  height = 22pt bold "Car Profile (&varname. = &dsn.) by Specifics";
title2 justify = left  height = 20pt bold "Car Segment: &&parm3_&j. ";
proc tabulate data = &dsn.  S=[background=palg];
where &&parm1_&j.; 
class Type Make Origin engineSize Cylinders / S=[background=palg];
classlev Type Make Origin engineSize Cylinders / S=[background=palg];
var Horsepower MPG_City MPG_Highway Count/ S=[background=palg];
table Type all="Total"*[S=]
Make all="Total"*[S=]
Origin all="Total"*[S=]
EngineSize="EngineSize" all="Total"*[S=]
Cylinders all="Total"*[S=],
(Horsepower*Mean="" MPG_City="MPG City"*Mean="" MPG_Highway="MPG City"*Mean="" Count="N"*SUM="" )
/ box = [S=[background=palg]] ;
keyword all / S=[background=lilg];
ods tagsets.excelxp close;
%let i = %eval (&i +1);
ods tagsets.excelxp close;
%mend exlout;
  • run macro
%exlout (varname=Origin, con=USA Europe);
%exlout (varname=Type, con=Sedan SUV);

C. Output


D. Key Coding Elements

  • loop: %let i=1; %do %while (%scan(&con. &i, ‘ ‘) ne );
  • loop: %do j= 1 %to 2;
  • Colouring: S=[background=palg]; palg and lilg are different shades of green.
  • macro variable assignment: call symput (‘parm1_’||left(_n_), parm1);
  • Customization of excel sheets: data parmlst;

SAS: Proc Tabulate Table Colouring

/*Original table*/
proc tabulate data =table1 ;
class Agegroup gender acadyear;
var heads;
table agegroup="Age Group" all gender="Gender" all ,
(acadyear="")*(heads="Heads"*SUM="" heads="% Total"*pctsum < agegroup all gender all > =""  );
/* Change body to light green */
proc tabulate data =table1 S=[background=lightgreen] ;
class Agegroup gender acadyear;
var heads;
table agegroup="Age Group" all gender="Gender" all ,
(acadyear="")*(heads="Heads"*SUM="" heads="% Total"*pctsum <agegroup all gender all > =""  );
Add S=[background=lightgreen] in the Proc tabulate statement.
/* Change Class Variable Colour */
proc tabulate data =table1 S=[background=lightgreen] ;
class Agegroup gender acadyear / S=[background=lightgreen];
var heads;
table agegroup="Age Group" all gender="Gender" all ,
(acadyear="")*(heads="Heads"*SUM="" heads="% Total"*pctsum < agegroup all gender all > ="" );
Add / S=[background=lightgreen] in the Class statement.
/* Change var variable column heading colour */
proc tabulate data =table1 S=[background=lightgreen] ;
class Agegroup gender acadyear / S=[background=lightgreen];
var heads / S=[background=lightgreen];
table agegroup="Age Group" all gender="Gender" all ,
(acadyear="")*(heads="Heads"*SUM="" heads="% Total"*pctsum < agegroup all gender all > =""  );
Add / S=[background=lightgreen] in the Var statement.
/* Change Box colour */
proc tabulate data =table1 S=[background=lightgreen] ;
class Agegroup gender acadyear / S=[background=lightgreen];
var heads / S=[background=lightgreen] ;
table agegroup="Age Group" all  gender="Gender" all ,
(acadyear="")*(heads="Heads"*SUM="" heads="% Total"*pctsum < agegroup all gender all > ="" )
/ box =[S=[background=lightgreen]];
Add / / box =[S=[background=lightgreen]] in the Table statement.
/* Change Class categories colour */
proc tabulate data =table1 S=[background=lightgreen] ;
class Agegroup gender acadyear / S=[background=lightgreen];
classlev Agegroup gender acadyear /  S=[background=lightgreen];
var heads / S=[background=lightgreen] ;
table agegroup="Age Group" all  gender="Gender" all ,
(acadyear="")*(heads="Heads"*SUM="" heads="% Total"*pctsum < agegroup all gender all > =""  )
/ box =[S=[background=lightgreen]];
Add class variables and / S=[background=lightgreen] to the Classlev statement.
/* Change Colour of 'All' field */ 
proc tabulate data =table1 S=[background=lightgreen] ;
class Agegroup gender acadyear / S=[background=lightgreen];
classlev Agegroup gender acadyear /  S=[background=lightgreen];
var heads / S=[background=lightgreen] ;
table agegroup="Age Group" all  gender="Gender" all ,
(acadyear="")*(heads="Heads"*SUM="" heads="% Total"*pctsum < agegroup all gender all > =""  )
/ box =[S=[background=lightgreen]];
keyword all / S=[background=green];
Add all / S=[background=green] to the Keyword statement.
/* Rename 'All' to 'Total'. Change 'Total' row colour Across the table. */
/* Method 1 */
proc tabulate data =table1 S=[background=lightgreen] ;
class Agegroup gender acadyear / S=[background=lightgreen];
classlev Agegroup gender acadyear /  S=[background=lightgreen];
var heads / S=[background=lightgreen] ;
table agegroup="Age Group" all="Total"*[s=]  gender="Gender" all="Total"*[s= < parent >]  ,
(acadyear="")*(heads="Heads"*SUM="" heads="% Total"*pctsum < agegroup all gender all > =""  )
/ box =[S=[background=lightgreen]];
keyword all / S=[background=green];
/* Method 2 */
proc tabulate data =table1 S=[background=lightgreen] ;
class Agegroup gender acadyear / S=[background=lightgreen];
classlev Agegroup gender acadyear /  S=[background=lightgreen];
var heads / S=[background=lightgreen] ;
table agegroup="Age Group" all="Total"*[S=[background=green]]  gender="Gender" all="Total"*[S=[background=green]]  ,
(acadyear="")*(heads="Heads"*SUM="" heads="% Total"*pctsum < agegroup all gender all > =""  )
/ box =[S=[background=lightgreen]];
keyword all / S=[background=green];
Add *[S=[background=green]] to the all labels in the Table statement.
/* Add All column Total. Override colour of All column */
proc tabulate data =table1 S=[background=lightgreen] ;
class Agegroup gender acadyear / S=[background=lightgreen];
classlev Agegroup gender acadyear /  S=[background=lightgreen];
var heads / S=[background=lightgreen] ;
table agegroup="Age Group" all="Total"*[S=[background=green]]  gender="Gender" all="Total"*[S=[background=green]]  ,
(acadyear="" all={label="All Years" S=[background=lightgreen]} )*(heads="Heads"*SUM="" heads="% Total"*pctsum < agegroup all gender all > ="" )
/ box =[S=[background=lightgreen]];
keyword all / S=[background=green];
In Table statement, add all={label=”All Years” S=[background=lightgreen]} to override the colour setup in the Keyword statement.

PowerBI Report Share through Workspace and PowerBI Apps

A. PowerBI Free and Pro versions

  • PowerBI free version doesn’t have the “Embed” and “Embed in SharePoint Online” options under the “File” menu. It can only publish dashboard and reports to the public. When dashboard and reports are published to the publish, the filter menu will not show in the view, so the end users can only use slicers to filter the results or interact with the dashboard/reports through cross filtering of visuals.
  • PowerBI free version cannot create Workspace, therefore not able to package reports in the Workspace into PowerBI app. You need a Pro licence to do that.
  • Only PowerBI Pro licence can view the PowerBI apps, the free version cannot.
File menu options for Free for PowerBI
File menu for Pro version of PowerBI