SAS Installation: ” Connect: Class not registered “

Issue: Installed SAS 9.4 on the machine where SAS 9.3 has already been installed. Not able to import Excel file in SAS 9.4.
Error message:
ERROR: Connect: Class not registered
ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement
– office 365 (32 bit)
– office 2010 (64 bit)
– Windows 7 (64 bit)
– SAS 9.3
– SAS 9.4 (64 bit)
– odbc 64bit: C:\Windows\System32\odbcad32.exe
– odbc 32bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe

Possible Reason: SAS PC Files Server not installed or not working properly. Need Excel ODBC driver in the same bitness as in SAS.
Attempt 1: Stop SAS PC Files Server in Service (administrative tools); uninstal SAS PC Files Server; download SAS PC Files Server from ( from; unzip, install from setup.exe; get Java private environment error when installing PC Files Server.
Results 1: not working

Possible Reason: SAS 9.4 is not connected to the right ODBC. ODBC 32bit has Excel in the driver list but ODBC 64bit doesn’t have Excel in the driver list.
Attempt 2: run as administrator on both ODBC files; add excel driver as the system data source in the “System DSN” tab; change target from “\system32\odbcad32.exe” to \syswow64\odbcad32.exe” in the property of “Data Sources (ODBC) in Administrative Tools
Results 2: not working

Possible Reason: office 365 doesn’t have the match Access Engine for program external to Microsoft Office to access the Office 365 application data
Attempt 3:
— download Access Database engine 2016 distribution (32bit)
— install to cmd, cd to where the installation file is saved, run AccessDatabaseEngine.exe /quiet /passive
— open registry editor on window 7: windows key + r -> run regedit -> yes
— navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\FilesPaths, delete mso.dll
Results 3: not sure why but WORKED, but doesn’t work on the Office 365 32bit installation.

Attempt 4:
— uninstall Microsoft Office 365 (32bits)
— install Microsoft Office 365 (64bits)
— uninstall Access Database engine 2016 distribution (32bits)
— install Access Database engine 2016 distribution (64bits)
— install to cmd, cd to where the installation file is saved, run AccessDatabaseEngine.exe /quiet /passive
— open registry editor on window 7: windows key + r -> run regedit -> yes
— navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\FilesPaths, delete mso.dll
Results 4: worked. matched SAS 64bits with Office 365 64bits

SAS: Find String Characters within String Variable

Find “Mike” in the Name variable. Use scan function when you know the position of the word within the variable and the delimiter. Use contains for general search. Use substr function when you know the starting position of the word within the variable.

  • Scan
data a;
set b;
where scan(name, 1, ' ') = "Mike";
/* nested Scan example */
/* data string is like 'XX XX ABCD>XXXX' */ 
/* need to get the 'ABCD' portion of the string, but it can be different lengths */
data temp;
set set1;
temp =scan(scan(var, 3, ' '),1, '>');
keep temp;
  • Contains
data a;
set b;
where upcase(name) contains "MIKE";
  • Substr
data a;
set b;
where substr(name, 1, 4) = "Mike";

GitHub: Download a file from github

  1. Using Jupyter Notebook
    • Open the file in the github and copy the url
    • Open Jupyter Notebook
    • Click “upload” button and paste the url in the “File Name:” field in the “File Upload” window. Click “Open”.
    • Click “upload” button where the file entry is.