SAS STAT: getting output statistics (2)

This post focus on the ODS Output for regression, including ANOVA, least square means, parameter estimates etc.

Each output from a SAS procedure has an associated name and label.  Each name is part of a name path, and each label is part of a label path.  In order to select, exclude, or modify an output table, you must first know its name.  Each level in the name path corresponds to a part of the procedure’s hierarchy of output that you can view in the Results window.

ods output 
parameterestimates = outputtable1 
fitstatistics =  outputtable2
overallanova = outputtable3
lsmeans = outputtable4
nobs = outputtable5
means = outputtable6;
ODS table name  Statement / Option Key Stats
ParameterEstimates Model / Solution Estimated linear model coefficients, t Value, Probability T, standard error
FitStatistics Default r-square, Coeff Var, Root MSE, dependent mean
OverallAnova Default DF, sum of squares, mean square, F value, Probability F
LsMeans LsMeans Least squares means are requested for each effect listed in the LSMEANS statement. LSMEANS can perform on classification variables and multiple comparison on interactions. LSMEANS are predicted population margins; that is, they estimate the marginal means over a balanced population.
Nobs Default Number of Observations
Means Means When variables in the Means statement is the same as in the Model statement, Means statement will provide the count of observations for each model effect or combination of effects.

Principal Component Analysis and Factor Analysis

Reference: A Step-by-Step Approach to Using SAS for Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling


  • flag: output to flag factor loading with absolute values greater than the specified size. eg flag = .40
  • method: extracting method
  • prin: principal factors for a principal component analysis
  • mineigen: critical eigenvalue to retain and rotate any component whose eigenvalue is specified or lager.
  • nfact: number of components to be retained and rotated